Saturday, April 13, 2013

My first ever, advanced RuneScape Woodcutting Guide. This guide will cover the fast ways to get from level 40 to 60 in your skill.

Lvl 40

At this level I would recommend not going onto willows at yet. They are slow and tiring even at ten levels afterwards. Oaks are the best way to go. Log into the least crowded server you can find and go to Draynor Village Jail (South of Bank).There, go a little larboard and you'll see two Oaks. Just alternating if one is done. Coffer and repeat. The coffer is actually 5 abnormal away. If this amplitude is occupado go a little appropriate above the angry and there will aswell be two Oaks. Just accumulate traveling until akin 50.

Lvl 50

Okay, now its time for willows, at last! Now, you're probably thinking go to Draynor and bank, right? We'll if you want fast exp. then, no. Go down to Rimmington (Where you start Witch's Potion) and go down to the coastline. Ta-da! Willows all around with almost nobody ever there. When you've got a full inventory just sell to the general store!

At this level I would recommend not going onto willows at yet. They are slow and tiring even at ten levels afterwards. Oaks are the best way to go. Log into the least crowded server you can find and go to Draynor Village Jail (South of Bank). There, go a little left and you'll see two Oaks. Just alternate when one is done. Bank and repeat. The bank is literally 5 seconds away. If this space is occupado go a little right beyond the fencing and there will also be two Oaks. Just keep going until level 50.

On this weapon aggressive appears to be slashed again. In aggressive every time you hit the enemy you will be given 4 exp to strength it may not sound like much but its worth it remember a little adds up to a lot.

My strength appears to be 53 strength is represented in the skills list by a tightly closed fist.

Hold the defense

Defense is a necessity if you don't want to die quickly or at all. The higher your defense the more of a chance you have to defend or not get dealt damage. To advance in defense you must fight in defensive mode also note: in order to wear different armor you must have a higher defensive level you will get 4 exp for every hit you deal, again, remember that a little adds up to a lot over time.

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